General Services Administration
1,101,443 SF
Oakland, CA
The Ronald Dellums Federal Building, named after former congressman and Oakland’s 48th mayor, Ronald V. Dellums, was constructed in 1993 as part of the Oakland Redevelopment Project. Occupying two city blocks in the heart of Oakland’s City Center, the two 17-story towers are linked by a 75-foot glazed circular rotunda at the base and a two-story sky bridge located at the 13th and 14th levels. Two five-story wings connect to the towers, creating a landscaped plaza that leads to the rotunda main entrance. The north wing houses a U.S. Post Office and conference center with eight conference rooms and a 300-seat auditorium, while the Oakland branch of the U.S. District Court’s Northern District of California occupies the south wing.
3QC was hired by the General Services Administration to report and conduct a facility ASHRAE Level II energy and water audit in accordance with EISA guidance and industry standards. Additional purposes were to identify; maintenance, operational, or deficient equipment issues relevant to the application of ECMs, utility rate analysis, budgetary cost and pay-back estimates for recommended ECMs, and; prioritization of ECMs. The report also documents qualifying and commencing the HVAC and lighting systems retro-commissioning (RCx).