Veterans Affairs
$43 Million
53,000 SF
LEED Certified
Chico, CA
The new Community Based Outpatient Center, part of the Veterans Affairs Northern California Health Care System, was built to replace the existing facility in order to accommodate growth anticipated over the next several years in the veteran population in Chico as well as improve service offerings.
The 53,000 SF facility is part of the Meriam Park development and was developed by the Hamstra Group and designed by NMR, a Redding based architecture and engineering firm. The future facility provides a wide array of outpatient services including agent orange therapy, PTSD and substance abuse, occupational therapy, primary care, telehealth, physical therapy, optometry, and ophthalmology amongst others. The new primary care and mental health facility is equipped to serve more than 9,000 veterans.
3QC was hired to provide Enhanced Commissioning and LEED Administration services. 3QC has a strong history of working on healthcare projects with the Veterans Affairs and the architect NMR. 3QC ensures that the functionality and security of this new medical facility meet the Project Requirements and the Basis of Design. The project pursued sustainable measures equivalent to LEED Silver.
Photo credit: 3QC Inc.